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Ball Auction & Realty Inc.
302 East Center St.
Bourbon, IN 46504
Tel (574)342-8299
Fax (574)342-8101
Email: Ball Auction


Daryl Ball is the owner and CEO of Ball Auction & Realty Inc. of Bourbon and Ball Realty Group LLC of Plymouth where he conducts approximately 150 real estate, farm, household and livestock auctions per year. He is a 1962 graduate of Missouri Auction School where he has served as an instructor since 1981. Daryl is a renowned expert in the area of bid calling and has been asked to speak at the National Auctioneer Conventions in the states of Texas, Ohio, Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana. He has also served as a judge for several state and national auctioneering contests. Daryl has been the recipient of many prestigious awards over the course of his career including: 1983 & 1975 Runner Up World Champion Auctioneer; 1984 Induction into the Indiana Auctioneer Hall of Fame; 1976 Indiana Auctioneer of the Year; 1973 Eastern Regional Champion Auctioneer and 1972 Eastern Regional Reserve Champion Auctioneer.

Daryl and his wife Connie own and operate 250 acres of farmland in Marshall County. They have two daughters, Lisa Ball-Carpenter and Lana Ball. Lisa is a 4th grade teacher in the Warsaw Community School district. She is married to Jack Carpenter and they have one daughter and two sons. Lana is the Principal Broker for Ball Realty Group LLC in Plymouth. The family has been active in 4-H all of their lives with their two daughters having been 10-year members. Daryl was selected by the Governor of Indiana to serve on the Indiana State Fair Board in 1991 & 1992 and has been a past Marshall County Fair Board member and auction committee member. He was the recipient of the Alumni Award of Marshall Co. 4-H Fair and continues to donate his time to the local and state 4-H auctions. His hobbies include, competing in cutting horse competitions, flying his Cessna airplane, golf and spending time with his family and friends.

Office: 574/342-8299                             Home: 574/342-8299


Lana Ball is the youngest daughter of Daryl and Connie Ball. She graduated from Triton High School in 1988 and Purdue University in 1992. Before taking her position as Associate Broker/Office Manager in the family business, Lana developed her career as a procurement specialist while working for such multi-million dollar corporations as Bosch and most recently as Director of Purchasing for a retail/catalog company that specialized in Notre Dame Apparel and merchandise.

She is a member of the Purdue Alumni Association & Marshall County Purdue Club as well as a past member of the Purdue Club of St. Joseph Valley where she served on the Board of Directors for several years and was a past President. She enjoys playing golf, interior design, attending Purdue football and basketball games and spending time with family and friends. Lana is a member of the Granger Community Church in Granger, Indiana. She currently resides in Plymouth, Indiana.
Office: 574/936-6999                             Cell: 574/286-6537

Robert Powell has been a life long resident of the Argos Community.  After graduation from Argos High School in 1983, Robert continued his studies at Ball State University where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1988. Robert has worked for Ball Auction & Realty since 1991.  In 1994 he became the Principal Broker for Ball Auction & Realty and in 1998 he received his license as a Residential Appraiser.

In his spare time, Robert enjoys golf, basketball and woodworking. He is the father of two daughters and one son. 

Office: 574/342-8299                             Cell: 574/315-0499

Larry Wattenbarger grew up in the state of Washington.  He moved  to Indiana to attend Grace College where he received his B.A. degree.  He received his master’s degree from University of St. Francis in Ft. Wayne.  He has been a teacher for 33 years.  Larry has taught at Triton School Corporation for the past 30 years where he coached basketball for 16 years and was the organizer for the first boy and girl’s tennis teams at Triton. He is a member of the Indiana Auctioneers Association; Bourbon Town Council; Bourbon Planning Commission and Bourbon EMS Advisory Board.  He also donates his auction skills to various high school fundraisers, Town of Bourbon, 4-H, Ducks Unlimited and the National Wild Turkey Federation.

He has worked for Ball Auction for 25 years.  He has been a licensed auctioneer for 21 years, real estate salesperson for 17 years and an Associate Broker for the past 6 years.  He is married and has two grown daughters.
Home:  574/342-0925           

Steven J. Feldman has been a resident of the Bourbon area for 50 plus years. He is a 1966 graduate of Triton High School and a 1968 graduate of International Business College with an associate’s degree in accounting. He is a U.S. Army Veteran and served in Vietnam. He served on the Triton School Board for 12 years and held officer positions including President.
Steve obtained his real estate sales license in 2000 and has worked for Ball Auction & Realty Inc. since 1991. In his spare time, Steve enjoys playing golf, woodworking, traveling and playing with his grandson. He is married and has two sons.

Home: 574/858-9372                             Cell: 574/286-2134

Office: 574/936-6999
Home: 574/ 784-3800                            Cell:  574/850-5605